Downloading the Digital Files
It looks like you’re interested in downloading digital files related to figure skating events! Here are some instructions to help you get started:

  1. Choose Your Figure Skating Event: Identify the specific figure skating event you’re interested in. This could be a competition, performance, or practice session.

  2. Select Your Event: Once you’ve chosen the event, find the corresponding video. Look for the video that captures the performance you want to download.

  3. Navigate to the Video: In the top right corner, click on the option to select the video. This will take you to the video details page.

  4. Choose Clips: On the video details page, you’ll have the option to select specific clips from the performance. Decide which parts you want to download (e.g., specific routines, jumps, spins, etc.).

  5. Download: After selecting the clips, hit the download button. The high-definition video files will be saved to your computer’s hard drive.

Remember that you have 90 days to download these videos before they are removed. You can play them on any computer or mobile device within that time frame. However, please note that child videos cannot be shared on social media or uploaded to popular video hosting websites due to USFS copyright restrictions.
For more information and to access the copyright details, you can visit the provided link here. Enjoy your figure skating videos!